
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Teachings of Rabbi Samuel Waldman

Judaism is a complex and fascinating religion with a rich history and tradition. Understanding Judaism and its beliefs can be challenging, but Rabbi Samuel Waldman has dedicated his life to educating others about this faith. In this article, we will explore Rabbi Waldman's background, his teachings, and his upcoming projects. Background of Rabbi Samuel Waldman Rabbi Samuel Waldman was exposed to the teachings of Horav Hagoan Rabbi Avigdor Miller ZT"L at a young age. He spent years studying and listening to hundreds of Rabbi Miller's tapes. He also learned from Horav Hagoan Rav Don Segal shlit"a, the former Mashgiach of Mirrer Yeshiva. Rabbi Waldman started his married life learning in the Kollel of Mirrer Yeshiva before eventually joining the Kollel of the Yeshiva Mercaz Hatorah. Teaching Career Rabbi Waldman spent 11 years teaching at the Elementary school, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe in Queens, NY. He also taught at several summer camps, including Camp Torah Vodaas a