
The Teachings of Rabbi Samuel Waldman

Judaism is a complex and fascinating religion with a rich history and tradition. Understanding Judaism and its beliefs can be challenging, but Rabbi Samuel Waldman has dedicated his life to educating others about this faith. In this article, we will explore Rabbi Waldman's background, his teachings, and his upcoming projects. Background of Rabbi Samuel Waldman Rabbi Samuel Waldman was exposed to the teachings of Horav Hagoan Rabbi Avigdor Miller ZT"L at a young age. He spent years studying and listening to hundreds of Rabbi Miller's tapes. He also learned from Horav Hagoan Rav Don Segal shlit"a, the former Mashgiach of Mirrer Yeshiva. Rabbi Waldman started his married life learning in the Kollel of Mirrer Yeshiva before eventually joining the Kollel of the Yeshiva Mercaz Hatorah. Teaching Career Rabbi Waldman spent 11 years teaching at the Elementary school, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe in Queens, NY. He also taught at several summer camps, including Camp Torah Vodaas a

5 Ways to Learn About Judaism Online

  Judaism is one of the world’s oldest religions. It has origins in ancient Israel and continues today with adherents in more than 20 different countries. Judaism is a large, diverse religion that has many online resources for learning about Judaism, including blogs, videos, podcasts, and virtual communities where people can get answers to their questions about Judaism or learn about the holidays and traditions. In this article, religious educator Samuel Waldman will explain 5 ways you can learn about Judaism online.  

Exploring Judaism

Biblical Judaism is based on a number of fundamental beliefs, called mitzvoth in Hebrew. The rituals of the religion are meant to help us connect with these truths, as well as with God and the divine. A central tenet of this way of thinking is that Torah must be interpreted literally. Judaism recognizes that its laws have changed over time and that not all Jews agree on when those changes should take place. For some people, this is a challenge to faith. For others, it’s an opportunity to explore the ways their own religious traditions can be improved. Here, Rabbi Samuel Waldman explains Judaism and offers some ways of exploring your faith.   What is Judaism? Judaism is a religion based on the study of the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Old Testament or the Tanakh. Rabbi Samuel Waldman shares that Judaism’s central tenet is the belief in one God, as outlined in the Hebrew Bible. Jewish law is also an important part of Judaism. This law, called the Torah, outlines rituals, ethical pr