Exploring Judaism

Biblical Judaism is based on a number of fundamental beliefs, called mitzvoth in Hebrew. The rituals of the religion are meant to help us connect with these truths, as well as with God and the divine. A central tenet of this way of thinking is that Torah must be interpreted literally.

Judaism recognizes that its laws have changed over time and that not all Jews agree on when those changes should take place. For some people, this is a challenge to faith. For others, it’s an opportunity to explore the ways their own religious traditions can be improved.

Here, Rabbi Samuel Waldman explains Judaism and offers some ways of exploring your faith.


What is Judaism?

Judaism is a religion based on the study of the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Old Testament or the Tanakh. Rabbi Samuel Waldman shares that Judaism’s central tenet is the belief in one God, as outlined in the Hebrew Bible. Jewish law is also an important part of Judaism. This law, called the Torah, outlines rituals, ethical principles, and laws based on the belief that the world and human beings were created by God. Some of these rituals are part of Jewish practice today, such as the holiday of Passover, which celebrates the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt.

There are different types of Judaism, including Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Reform Judaism, Reconstructionist Judaism, and Humanistic Judaism. Rabbi Samuel Waldman specifies in his writings that these different types of Judaism are based on the laws and beliefs outlined in the Hebrew Bible. People who practice other types of Judaism may also still keep some of the rituals outlined in the Torah. But they may also have different beliefs regarding various issues.

How to Discover Truth in Judaism

If you are interested in exploring other ways of thinking about Judaism, Rabbi Samuel Waldman suggests that you should first examine the central beliefs of Judaism. You should also learn about the rituals of the religion, and how they connect you to God and others. People should also consider their own beliefs and the way others practice their own faiths.

“You should also engage in a process of self-reflection. This means looking within yourself to discover your own beliefs and values,” says Rabbi Samuel Waldman. “You can do this by thinking about why you are interested in exploring Judaism and what you hope to find out.”

Final Thoughts

When people decide to explore Judaism, they may face challenges, both internal and external. It’s important for people to prepare for this journey and to approach it with a positive attitude. If you are interested in exploring Judaism, you may find the following book by Rabbi Samuel Waldman helpful: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Convincing Evidence of the Truths of Judaism.

In this book Rabbi Samuel Waldman discusses the most important issues of Judaism from a ground-level perspective. It is accessible and friendly, inspiring and refreshing, providing a complete picture of Judaism. This book presents the key ideas of Judaism in-depth and in an engaging fashion. It examines the existence of a Creator, the divine origin of the Torah, the existence of a spiritual soul, and Divine guidance throughout Jewish history. Evolution is examined and the Holocaust and human suffering are discussed.


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